
3 Keys to Getting Jacked – Episode 323

In this episode I rock the mic for the first time in a while and catch you up on what’s been going on over the last couple months. Then we go in depth on three critical factors that must be optimized in your training in order to maximize your results. It all starts with execution. Very few people get this right. Next is ramping up properly. This is something almost everyone screws up. And it’s a huge part of an optimized workout. Finally, we get to effort. How much effort should you put into each rep?… continue reading.

Overcome Your Fear with Self-Defense Expert, Tony Blauer – Episode 277

Everyone feels fear. From the biggest, toughest, most jacked dudes on earth to small children and frail, elderly women, fear is an emotion all humans know well. If we all feel it, what separates those who take action and do what’s necessary in the face of fear from those who let it cripple them? The answer can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Tony Blauer has dedicated his life to teaching people how to understand and manage their fear even, and especially, in the most stressful, dangerous and violent situations. He is the creator of the Spontaneous Protection… continue reading.

How to Become More Explosive

Being big and strong is great. But how to become more explosive is a question all athletes need to be more concerned with. Being big, strong and explosive makes someone a bad motherfucker. In most sports strength without speed is useless. Strong, slow athletes usually don’t make it to the top, unless we’re talking bout sumo wrestling. But even then, being explosive would give you a huge advantage. There are countless ways to develop explosive power but I like to keep things simple so here’s the easiest way to do it. Simply add jumps to your workout 1-2 days per… continue reading.

Linear Progress?

I always advise all beginners and hardgainers to concentrate on making linear progress (either by adding more reps or more weight) at each and every workout. Add a rep or a plate and you will make pretty consistent gains for quite a while. This is one of the key components to the Muscle Gaining Secrets program. Eventually, however, you’ll no longer be a beginner or a hardgainer and then the whole game changes. It will become more and more difficult to make linear progress on a consistent basis. This can be hard to accept at first and become quite… continue reading.

How to Build Muscle Mass

Q: Jay, everyone thinks they know how to build muscle mass. But as you and I know, most people never really even get close to their true potential. What is the biggest mistake people make when trying to get big and strong? A: They follow the same old, traditional bodybuilding routine. That means they are training each body part with too much volume, not enough intensity, probably too much intensiveness, and not enough frequency. Just so everyone is on the same page, when I say intensity I am referring to percentage of one rep max. That means that they… continue reading.