13 Commandments of a Razor Sharp Mind

The decisions you make have a powerful inpact on your mental state. So what are the 13 commandments of a razor sharp mind? Find out, and much more... continue reading.
The decisions you make have a powerful inpact on your mental state. So what are the 13 commandments of a razor sharp mind? Find out, and much more... continue reading.
For most people, most of the time, a simple full body workout is going to be your best bet. That will give you the most bang for your buck and the results you’re looking for. But what about if you’re in your 40’s or 50’s and have been lifting for years? What about if you’re banged up with an accumulation of nagging injuries? What about if you’re fairly strong and can move a lot of weight? What about if you still want to incorporate big barbell lifts? And do so in the safest manner possible? Then the rules… continue reading.
Probably my biggest weakness is my grip strength. That’s why I always check out anything Jedd Johnson has to say on the subject. He is the master when it comes to this topic and today I have an awesome guest post from the man, himself. Check it out… Grip and Forearm Strength is an important aspect for anyone who trains with weights or competes in sports. This is true for many reasons. Grip Strength helps your other lifts go up, in turn improving your weights lifted. The way this happens is by a concept called Radiant Tension. To demonstrate… continue reading.
Jungle Gym XT– There are countless exercises that can be done on the Jungle Gym XT; many more effective than using a machine or even free weights, such as pushups, flys, dips, assisted handstand pushups, leg curls, hip thrusts, ab fall outs and many more. At Renegade Training Center we use big, basic barbell lifts as our main maximal strength exercises and then supplement with bodyweight, kettlebell, dumbell and strongman type lifts for accessory work. The Jungle Gym XT gets used at every workout, without fail. It’s also great to travel with because it’s small and light and… continue reading.