
Why You Need to Make Oral Health a Top Priority

On this episode of the Jay Ferruggia show we’ve got Will Revak from OraWellness.com discussing the importance of oral health. We talked about everything from gum disease, the truth about fluoride, toothbrushes, flossing and why the mouth is the gateway for all diseases. We also discussed the link from gum disease to heart disease and how oral health affects your digestive and immune system. Most people overlook their oral health and just give their teeth a quick once over. Many skip flossing. And just about everyone will put off a trip to the dentist. Hopefully that will change after… continue reading.

Upgrade Your Mindset and Get Sh*t Done

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show, I sat down with BioHacking expert, Ameer Rosic. After a life of crime and drug peddling landed him in jail, Ameer did a complete 180 and transformed everything about himself. He now consults some of the most successful entrepreneurs. Today’s conversation spanned the topics of human psychology, success creation, ongoing education, how to really get shit done and more… Take a listen and be sure to drop me a line and tell me what you thought on Twitter @JasonFerruggia. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Ameer’s jail bound inception Why 85% of lottery… continue reading.

Why Low Carb Diets & Food Sensitivity Tests Don’t Work

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show I answer your questions on training, nutrition, business, goal setting, hip hop and give my Super Bowl predictions. You sent them in via Twitter, Facebook and email and I am responding right here, right now. Just hit the play button below or head on over to iTunes so you can hear my thoughts on the following questions. And, if you have any questions you want answered on future episodes, or have a follow up to anything discussed in this episode please let me know in the… continue reading.

Paleo Nutrition: Chris Kresser Shows You How to Get Healthy

Today we have a throwback episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show. This was recorded earlier in 2014, before we officially started the show. As such it was previously only available to listen to if you were a member of The Renegade Strength Club. But now we’re posting the entire thing here for all of you guys to listen to (or read the full transcript below if you prefer).   Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The importance of optimizing your gut health Can gluten really cause depression? The power of supplemental prebiotics How to optimize your testosterone to… continue reading.

Diamond Cut Abs with Danny Kavadlo

We’re coming back at ya with episode 37 of The Jay Ferruggia Show. My guest this week is Danny Kavadlo. Danny recently released his latest book, Diamond Cut Abs, which, at the time of this recording was #1 on Amazon under health and fitness. With his love of old school hip-hop, WWF and tattoos, Danny and I are kindred spirits. In today’s episode, we covered everything from the human flag, how to be in the best shape of your life at forty to memories of Smash pinning Bret Hart for the win at SummerSlamm ’88. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Bare-backing… continue reading.

The Real Secret to Success

Dedication, discipline and brutally hard work. That is the secret. Everyone wants hacks and shortcuts and instant gratification. They want it yesterday. I’m all for applying the 80/20 rule, when appropriate, and eliminating everything that isn’t essential. That’s how you get meaningful work done. But it’s still work. It’s called work for a reason. Just because you simplify or focus on a few important things doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. And you can’t blindly apply the 80/20 rule to everything. It just doesn’t work that way. If twenty hours of practice per week are required to be excellent… continue reading.

Nutrition Myths with Dr. Chris Mohr

When it comes to nutrition we all get suckered. We all get confused and misled. I’ve been there. People try to make things more complicated than they should be. I’ve been guilty of that too. Next thing ya know you’re putting a stick of butter in your coffee, cutting all carbs, and running in fear past every Mexican joint you see because you think even coming near a bean is going to cause extreme joint pain. It’s all very confusing and stressful. It shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be that way. In the latest episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show… continue reading.

Your Questions Answered

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show, I give a brief recap of the American Airlines Skyball event in Dallas, benefiting our wounded warriors and their families. Jen and I both had an amazing time working with Chef Robert Irvine and his team. Over the last two weeks, our inbox has been flooded with your questions on training, nutrition, business, music and lifestyle design. The feedback I’ve been getting has been overwhelming. Enough so that I just had to do another Q&A. Keep sending your questions and feedback to Podcast@JasonFerruggia.com and I will do my best to answer… continue reading.

The Perfect Day

In this episode of The Jay Ferruggia Show, I recap a fantastic weekend at The Austin City Limits Festival, hanging out with my buddies, Luka Hocevar and Jay Jablonski. After a brief recap of ACL and my visit to Onnit headquarters I break down an important visualization exercise that will help you get closer to living the perfect day. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Your feedback from the show and some shout outs to listeners How to eliminate people who drag you down Recap of the 2014 Austin City Limits Festival Who we saw, who was great, who sucked The one… continue reading.

The #1 Most Important Question to Ask Yourself

Too many times we’re motivated to do things for the wrong reasons. Our focus is internal instead of external. Or maybe fear is holding us back in some way. I address this and much more on the latest Jay Ferruggia Show Podcast (formerly known as Renegade Radio). Some of it might make you a little uncomfortable. And that’s a good thing. You need to be uncomfortable on a regular basis. It’s part of the growth process and getting better. It’s all about constant evolution and getting better every day. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: An important visualization exercise to help guide… continue reading.

Zach Even-Esh on Strength, Personal Growth & Finding Your Bigger Purpose

In the latest episode of Renegade Radio I sat down with an old buddy of mine, and author of The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning, Zach Even-Esh. Our friendship started over a decade ago on AOL Instant Messenger and we’ve had a similar evolution. Zach is the epitome of passion and hustle and continues to push himself every day. He always recommends getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. And he lives it every day. If you want to get pumped up and inspired be sure to give this episode a listen. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: I give my thoughts… continue reading.

Break the Rules, Never Conform, & Find True Happiness

One of the best books I have ever read is The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau. I recommend it to everyone I meet. If you have ever thought, “there has to be more to life than this…“, go read his work. Chris focuses on living an unconventional life in a conventional world. Chris’ latest book, The Happiness of Pursuit, hits stores today. In this episode, we discuss his new book, and his reflections and lessons he learned traveling to every country on the earth. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: How to deal with and conquer your fears The… continue reading.

Chef Robert Irvine of Restaurant Impossible on Food, Fitness, Family, & Giving Back

The latest episode of Renegade Radio features Food Network celebrity chef, the star of Restaurant Impossible, and the owner of a massive set of guns, Robert Irvine. Robert is a fitness freak who was once named one of the 25 Fittest Men in America by Men’s Fitness Magazine. At 49 years old, he always finds time to train seven days per week. He knows that fitness is an essential part of his life and never let’s it suffer no matter how busy he is. And he’s pretty damn busy. He spends over 345 days a year on the road filming,… continue reading.

Optimal Workout Design For Less Fat, More Muscle & Fewer Injuries

After the last Renegade Q&A, I asked for more of your questions. My team was immediately flooded with hundreds of emails. Obviously I can’t answer them all in one setting so I decided to break it up a bit. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a Q&A podcast on Training, Nutrition, Productivity, Business & Entrepreneurship and a few miscellaneous questions. This episode is dedicated to all of the training questions that were sent in. I discuss some of the best way to structure your workouts for physique transformation and enhanced performance. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: Should you… continue reading.

The Truth About Fruit, Protein & Supplements

The latest episode of Renegade Radio is fueled by YOU. I asked for your questions and you guys responded in a big way. In this episode, I answer some of the most commonly asked questions about nutrition, supplements and cardio. Does fruit really make you fat? Can you heal your gut issues naturally? Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? I hear these questions every single day and it’s time to finally give a cut and dried answer. Today’s Podcast Topics Include: The Renegade Diet revisited Does fruit make you fat? How much protein do you really… continue reading.