Speed Work

How to Fix Your Elbows & Knees, High Reps vs. Low Reps, the Best Exercises for Core Stability & Lower Back Pain – Episode 384

In this listener Q&A episode we cover a variety of topics that will help you reduce injuries and improve your joint health, and build size and strength faster. We also talk about music, fashion, essential life skills and a whole lot more. Whether you want to bullet proof your body against injury, gain muscle and lose fat, or learn how to boost your confidence, you’ll find the answers here. If you ever miss an episode of Renegade Radio (and why would you?) you don’t want it to be this one! Scroll Down for Show Notes:… continue reading.

Drop the Deadlift?

If the deadlift is the best muscle building exercise on the planet why do many successful strength and conditioning coaches not use the movement with their athletes? The reason is simple; the deadlift takes too much out of you and is very hard to recover from. When you have an athlete who also needs to be implementing speed work, conditioning and sport specific drills on a regular basis you can’t afford to compromise his recovery ability to such an extreme level. A hard deadlift session will usually leave him slower, less explosive and with a general, overall feeling of fatigue… continue reading.

Are You Screwing Up Your Plyo, Speed and Agility Work?

Question: Coach, can you give me a quick overview of how you implement plyos, speed and agility work with your athletes? Answer: Ok, just so everyone is on the same page here, plyos consist of jumping, bounding and hopping exercises. These can be done off of one or two legs. Some of the simplest and most effective plyos are vertical jumps for height, box jumps, hurdle jumps, and broad jumps. Speed work consists of short sprints from 10-50… continue reading.