How to Become Indispensable, Eliminating Knee Pain, and Does Soreness Matter? – Episode 451

We're covering everything you need to know to become unf*ckwithable in ALL aspects of your life in today's Q&A. continue reading.
We're covering everything you need to know to become unf*ckwithable in ALL aspects of your life in today's Q&A. continue reading.
Every day, wherever I look l see terrible training advice being spewed. Especially when it comes to training advice for those over 40. Often times it’s by inexperienced “fitness influencers” who have very little real world experience with real world clients. But sometimes it’s hard to know, right? Well, here’s something hard to believe… Almost EVERYTHING you have been told or taught to believe about proper training is incorrect. That, my friend, is the sad truth. And here are some more hard truths about training: High volume is not the key… continue reading.
Aside from your neck, the muscles that get exposed to the world more than any other are your forearms. So it’s a probably a good idea for them to be jacked, or least look halfway decent. A lot of guys with average to above average genetics will never need to do any direct forearm work and their forearms will grow just fine from presses and pulls. The rest of us won’t be so lucky. It’s funny because the common message preached to skinny hardgainers is to forget isolation training and only focus on compound lifts. This is… continue reading.
Guns, jacks, pipes, hooks, pythons… Whatever you call them, the fact remains that most guys want to know how to build bigger arms. While they are nowhere near as impressive, rarely seen and as intimidating as a big set of traps, you still don’t want to have and extra six inches of space in your shirt sleeves; that’s for sure. So the question is how do you go about building bigger arms? The answer is not as simple as you might assume. If it were easy, you would see tons of guys walking around with 18 inch… continue reading.
Question: I have a question about how to build big calves. Mine are like string beans and I can’t get them to grow. Got any good suggestions? Answer: Whenever people ask me how to build big calves, I immediately check their training volume. High volume works best for calves. They are probably the hardest muscle to build, and if you chose the wrong parents getting them to grow is gonna be a bitch. continue reading.