Is Fat Your Key to Getting Lean?

A simple tweak to my fat intake led to me getting lean for the first time ever. Could fat also be your key to getting lean? Here's how you find out. continue reading.
A simple tweak to my fat intake led to me getting lean for the first time ever. Could fat also be your key to getting lean? Here's how you find out. continue reading.
You can’t get jacked and strong while you’re on a ketogenic diet, right? Think again. Danny Vega, my guest in this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast, is a huge proponent of keto diets and he’s one of the strongest, most jacked dudes in the fitness industry. As a 220-pound raw powerlifter he has put up a 640 lb. squat, a 400 lb. bench press, and a 700 lb. deadlift. A former college football player, Danny began training to improve his performance on the field and he became obsessed with health and fitness. He received his Master’s of Science in Human Performance… continue reading.
Dr. Stephen Cabral is back, after the outpour of positive feedback on the first episode. He’s here to teach you how to make the most effective diet and lifestyle choices for YOUR unique body type. If you want to look, feel and perform better than ever grab your notebook and listen as we discuss: Scroll down for show notes: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to listen on SoundCloud Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Right-click here and choose “Save As”to… continue reading.