Do Calories Really Matter? – Episode 456

Fat loss tips? How should you eat to add size? Is Liver King legit? You guys have questions, and I'm back at you live with the answers. continue reading.
Fat loss tips? How should you eat to add size? Is Liver King legit? You guys have questions, and I'm back at you live with the answers. continue reading.
Aside from your neck, the muscles that get exposed to the world more than any other are your forearms. So it’s a probably a good idea for them to be jacked, or least look halfway decent. A lot of guys with average to above average genetics will never need to do any direct forearm work and their forearms will grow just fine from presses and pulls. The rest of us won’t be so lucky. It’s funny because the common message preached to skinny hardgainers is to forget isolation training and only focus on compound lifts. This is… continue reading.