
Using FEAR to Fuel Your Success with Akshay Nanavati – Episode 296

Akshay Nanavati is a U.S. Marine veteran, speaker, entrepreneur, author and ultra runner. He has overcome many of life’s most difficult challenges by discovering that adversity is one of our greatest gifts and a necessary access point to reach the next stage of our personal evolution. He developed FEARVANA to teach people to find bliss through engaging in fear and pursuing their “worthy struggles”. He also wrote the amazing book, “FEARVANA: The Revolutionary Science… continue reading.

Are You Screwing Up Your Plyo, Speed and Agility Work?

Question: Coach, can you give me a quick overview of how you implement plyos, speed and agility work with your athletes? Answer: Ok, just so everyone is on the same page here, plyos consist of jumping, bounding and hopping exercises. These can be done off of one or two legs. Some of the simplest and most effective plyos are vertical jumps for height, box jumps, hurdle jumps, and broad jumps. Speed work consists of short sprints from 10-50… continue reading.