High Intensity Cardio

The Ultimate Workout For Guys Over 40 – Episode 306

For most people, most of the time, a simple full body workout is going to be your best bet. That will give you the most bang for your buck and the results you’re looking for. But what about if you’re in your 40’s or 50’s and have been lifting for years? What about if you’re banged up with an accumulation of nagging injuries? What about if you’re fairly strong and can move a lot of weight? What about if you still want to incorporate big barbell lifts? And do so in the safest manner possible? Then the rules… continue reading.

Training Methods to Fight Stress & Anxiety, “Functional” Exercises, Parallel Vs. ATG Squats, Combatting Information Overload – Episode 286

Thank you guys for all the positive feedback on the last two Q&A episodes. And thank you for continuing to submit great questions and leave iTunes reviews. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. This show is for you so the more you let me know exactly what you want, the better I can make it. To kick this episode off I’m giving away several bags of Athletic Greens. So please listen for your name at the beginning of the show. After that I tackle the questions you guys asked! Scroll down for show notes:… continue reading.