
Facebook Friday – 4/12/13

Thanks to everyone who hopped online and joined us for today’s Facebook Friday. I had a great time answering everyone’s questions. I was firing off answers faster than Macklemore can pop tags at a thrift store… If you missed it, here is a recap of what went down:… continue reading.

Facebook Friday- 3/29/13

With Facebook’s recent change to the commenting system it makes it possible for us to restart up the weekly live Q&A’s. These will be every Friday at 12:30pm EST HERE. Make sure you like that page to stay up to date with the latest info. If you missed here’s what went down today:… continue reading.

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Gym Owners Make- Part III

This is the third and final part of this incredible series of guest posts by my good friend, Luka Hocevar. If you missed Part I click HERE and for Part II click HERE. If you want to run a successful fitness business you need to read and apply every word of what Luka’s got for you in this three part series. I’ll let Luka take it from here. Mistake #7. Not getting and showing results or telling stories about transformations Regardless of all the other things, people want results, period. Disclaimer: If you’re not getting results you’re shit… continue reading.

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Gym Owners Make- Part II

Guest Post by Luka Hocevar Hey guys, this is Jay here. If you missed Part 1 of this awesome series by Luka, check it out HERE. I honestly consider it must read information for anyone in the fitness industry. Even if you don’t own a gym you’ll learn something you can apply. Hell, even if you’re not in the fitness industry at all the rules of business still apply. Without further adieu here’s more awesome info from my good buddy, Luka Hocevar… Mistake #4. Not developing a team that is hard working, loyal and looking in the same direction… continue reading.

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Gym Owners Make

Guest Post by Luka Hocevar Having a strong will and being stubborn is a great quality to have most of the time. My grandpa told me that and he got captured by the enemy and stabbed by a bayonet in World War 2. Being stubborn and having will power saved his life. He was an OG and he knew what he is talking about. True story. He also told me stubborn can get you in a lot of trouble and keep you stuck in your (negative) ways. Like his sneaking into the cellar to have shots of… continue reading.

2 Quick, Easy & Healthy Dessert Recipes

Right now Jen and I are both dialed in strictly with our diets because we have photo and video shoots coming up in the next few months. That means no sugar, no gluten, no grains other than white rice, no nuts and nut butters, no seeds, no fats other than that from animals and coconut oil/milk and some ghee, and very minimal dairy. However, we still eat dessert 3-5 nights a week. When we have to be super strict I make some sort of pudding with coconut milk. Coconut has incredible healing properties and can you help… continue reading.

One Food to Stop Eating if You Want to Stay Healthy

What’s up guys? I’m coming at you from St. Petersburg, Florida where I’ve spent the last few days. Yesterday I had an awesome workout with Adam Bornstein and my long time good buddy, Craig Ballantyne at the Powerhouse Gym in downtown Tampa. It’s a pretty impressive facility and worth training at if you’re ever in town. Before we trained Craig and I were having coffee (well, I was as Craig doesn’t drink coffee) and discussing a nutritional change that we both made that has us feeling significantly better. 

We’ve both cut out gluten completely. I haven’t touched it since the… continue reading.

50 Shades of Jay

I wrote this list back when Shades of Grey came out but completely forgot about it for some reason. Today seemed like as a good a day as any to post it. So here are some useless, trivial facts about the dude behind this here blog you’re reading. 1) I only puke two to three times a decade. When I do it’s like a scene from the Exorcist. 2) There are very few things I find funnier than watching someone else puke, though. I’m literally in uncontrollable hysterics. 3) I’m almost never in a bad mood. 4)… continue reading.

Eat Dessert Every Night Without Becoming a Fatass

What’s up guys? I’m coming at you from the Hyatt Regency in Denver where I’m getting read to go train with my buddy, Craig Ballantyne. Then I will be meeting up with fitness icon, Shawn Phillips, for lunch. I’m in town to do a charity toy drive on Saturday with Craig and about twenty others. We’ll be buying thousands of toys to give to marines to distribute to local kids. If you’re in the area come by and hang out. Last night Craig and I had an awesome steak dinner at Elway’s where we watched the Bronco’s game while talking… continue reading.

Should You Make Your Own Gym Equipment?

Unless you’re the ultimate McGuyver like handyman and you truly enjoy doing it, there’s rarely a time that it’s worth building your own equipment. It’s like saving twenty bucks at the car wash and doing it yourself. It takes you two hours to do a good job. So now it cost you ten bucks an hour. Surely your time is worth more than that. And you could have done something more productive. It’s a mindset shift that can make a huge difference in your life. Save money on material possessions, yes. I’m all for that. Buy cheaper clothes, drive a… continue reading.

My Massive Eating Ability & the Need for Renegade Cardio

Man, I’ve really been on some grubbin’ streak lately. It seems like every time I turn around over the last two weeks another one of my friends is in town wanting to meet up for dinner at one of LA’s finest restaurants. While my wife is a five star chef and makes incredible meals each night it’s always nice to get out amongst the people, give the local females a thrill and order half the items on the menu. Or in the case of a recent brunch at Post in Manhattan Beach with my long time buddy, Mike Schwalb- everything… continue reading.

Quinoa Burritos

Recipe courtesy of Metabolic Cooking Makes 2 Servings Perfect for a snack, spread or sandwich Ingredients • 2 small whole wheat tortillas • ½ cup quinoa, cooked • 4 egg whites • ½ avocado, cubed • 1 cup lettuce, shredded • ½ cup salsa • ¼ cup red onion, diced • ½ cup black beans • ¼ cup fresh cilantro Directions 1. Cook quinoa and egg whites separately. Then mix with black beans, cilantro and onion. continue reading.

Are You Using The Wrong Rep Speed in Your Workouts?

I like to keep things simple. So a general statement like, “always lift the weight as explosively as possible and lower it under control,” works pretty well for me in most cases. But there are definitely some exercises that you do NOT want to explode on. Doing so can result in sloppy form, training muscles other than those you intended, and injury. Exercises that you don’t consciously explode on are known as high-tension exercises. That means that being tight is more important than being fast. Although I’ve always preferred my ladies to be both. Explosive lifts are high velocity exercises… continue reading.

7 More Writing Mistakes Fitness Pros Should Never Make

Having a blog that no one reads kinda sucks. You pour your heart into writing but nobody ever comes to your site. It’s quite a sad state of affairs, really. How are you ever going to help anyone or get your name in print? You’re probably not. Not if you keep on making some of these common writing mistakes fitness pros are all too guilty of (myself included). 1) Don’t Have a Generalist, Master of None Blog No one trusts or wants to hear from a jack-of-all-trades. Be an expert in something. People like and trust experts. I know about… continue reading.

5 Writing Mistakes Fitness Pros Should Never Make

You’re a fitness professional with a website and an intent to share your information with the world. You want to help others and make some money in the process. Nothing wrong with that. But there might be something wrong with your approach. Here’s a list of five writing mistakes you should never make. Note that many are said in jest and that I’ve been guilty of all of them myself. 1) Don’t Use Weak, Timid Language For people to believe what you write YOU actually have to do so first. If you write in a wishy-washy style and tell people… continue reading.