
Great Rules That Suck

For EliteFTS I was born with a rebellious streak. It’s been with me just about every day of my 32-year existence. When I wake up every day, I know that I’ll probably do or say something that will probably be nothing more than an act of rebellion in some form or another against something that I see as wrong or unjust. I don’t know why that is. I just accept it as part of my nature. I can’t control it so I embrace it. It’s who I am. Just like I can’t allow society’s rules to control the way I… continue reading.

The Fitness World: Insane in the Membrane!!

A Rant by Jon Hinds: In real life, we move our whole bodies almost 100% of the time. In sports, in martial arts, when climbing stairs or picking up kids or shoveling snow – we use our arms, our legs, our backs, our stomach muscles all together. Then why do 99% of all people who exercise, train their muscles in isolation instead of using functional fitness? What good is it to be able to bench 300 pounds with your back supported and your legs unengaged? Who cares if you can leg press the rack? These activities only train… continue reading.

How to Squat Properly: A Quick Primer on Perfecting Your Form

If you want big legs you have to squat. For the first few years of your training you should squat, squat and squat some more. A good goal is to squat double bodyweight. I’m talking about real, full squats, at least to parallel. Read on and you’ll learn exactly how to squat properly. Before we get into technique I have to tell that the one thing I recommend to 99% of people out there is a good pair of high quality squat shoes. These will make a TREMENDOUS difference in your form and keep you safer. Guys… continue reading.