Archive: Feb 2013

5 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Gaining Muscle

Let me start out by saying that this post is not for beginners. If you’ve been training for less than two years most of what’s written below will not apply. As a newbie you need to learn proper technique and stick to the basics. Once you’ve built your foundation and packed on your first 15-20 pounds a plateau is sure to rear it’s ugly head at some point. So if that’s where you’re at right now and are wondering why you’re not gaining any muscle read on and hopefully you’ll find some useful info to get you growing again. You’re… continue reading.

Top 15 Ice Cube Training Songs

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Coach, Keith Scott Ice Cube has always been one of my favorite rappers of all time. I have never made a Hip Hop training mix that does not include a plethora of Ice Cube tracks. One of the best lyricists of all time, Cube brings anger, aggression, and intensity in almost all of his songs. These are a few of the ingredients that every training session needs. So, here are my top 15 Ice Cube training songs. 15. Pushin’ Weight – (War & Peace Vol. 1) – Great Cube song… continue reading.

2 Quick, Easy & Healthy Dessert Recipes

Right now Jen and I are both dialed in strictly with our diets because we have photo and video shoots coming up in the next few months. That means no sugar, no gluten, no grains other than white rice, no nuts and nut butters, no seeds, no fats other than that from animals and coconut oil/milk and some ghee, and very minimal dairy. However, we still eat dessert 3-5 nights a week. When we have to be super strict I make some sort of pudding with coconut milk. Coconut has incredible healing properties and can you help… continue reading.

Renegade Success Story: Addison Marshall

Guest post by Renegade Inner Circle Member, Addison Marshall When I was playing Spring football my freshmen year I started having very bad rib pain. After a few tests, I learned that my ribs had cracked from a spleen that had been enflamed with Leukemia cells. Finding out I had cancer was the worst news of my life. The first 6 months were hell and my body was showing it.  I had lost about 30 pounds and most of my muscle.  I just ate shit all day and was always to tired to workout.  I eventually gained weight… continue reading.

Why You Need to Warm Up Properly & How to Do So

Guest Post by Renegade Inner Circle Coach, Keith Scott If you are not doing a good, quality warm up before your training session you are missing a HUGE and extremely important component of training. By “missing” this, your performance will suffer and you will get injured at some point. I don’t care how young you are, how “tough” you think you are, or how much smarter you think you are, you will suffer in both areas. That’s just the way it is…

Over the years I have found that there are a few different kinds of people when… continue reading.

Bodyweight 300 Challenge & Two Other Sick Workouts

My recovery is usually pretty on point and I don’t too many inflammatory foods so I don’t get sore that often. I mean, I get sore, or course, but it’s usually just light soreness from time to time and never anything too deep or crippling. Today, though, I’m definitely feeling it more than usual and need a massage. That’s because in addition to my regular training I threw in a couple finishers from my buddy Craig Ballantyne’s Home Workout Revolution Below is the one that I hit yesterday: Workout 1: Bodyweight Cardio Do 40 reps per exercise. continue reading.

One Food to Stop Eating if You Want to Stay Healthy

What’s up guys? I’m coming at you from St. Petersburg, Florida where I’ve spent the last few days. Yesterday I had an awesome workout with Adam Bornstein and my long time good buddy, Craig Ballantyne at the Powerhouse Gym in downtown Tampa. It’s a pretty impressive facility and worth training at if you’re ever in town. Before we trained Craig and I were having coffee (well, I was as Craig doesn’t drink coffee) and discussing a nutritional change that we both made that has us feeling significantly better. 

We’ve both cut out gluten completely. I haven’t touched it since the… continue reading.