
How to Become More Explosive

Being big and strong is great. But how to become more explosive is a question all athletes need to be more concerned with. Being big, strong and explosive makes someone a bad motherfucker. In most sports strength without speed is useless. Strong, slow athletes usually don’t make it to the top, unless we’re talking bout sumo wrestling. But even then, being explosive would give you a huge advantage. There are countless ways to develop explosive power but I like to keep things simple so here’s the easiest way to do it. Simply add jumps to your workout 1-2 days per… continue reading.

Are You Screwing Up Your Plyo, Speed and Agility Work?

Question: Coach, can you give me a quick overview of how you implement plyos, speed and agility work with your athletes? Answer: Ok, just so everyone is on the same page here, plyos consist of jumping, bounding and hopping exercises. These can be done off of one or two legs. Some of the simplest and most effective plyos are vertical jumps for height, box jumps, hurdle jumps, and broad jumps. Speed work consists of short sprints from 10-50… continue reading.