
High Intensity Conditioning Methods

Here is part 2 of the recent interview I did for Craig Ballantyne. Click HERE for part 1. Craig Ballantyne: Tell us a little bit about some of the unique conditioning that you do? Obviously you’ve got the prowler, you guys do sprints, but what else do you have in Renegade Gym that you guys do? Jason Ferruggia: First of all, it should be noted that not everyone needs to do conditioning. Typically the most explosive athletes do the least amount of conditioning. These would usually be throwers. But if you want to be in shape… continue reading.

How We Do It At Renegade Gym

Today I have part 1 of a recent interview I did for my buddy Craig Ballantyne. Craig Ballantyne: Jay, why don’t you give us a little bit of background about who Jason Ferruggia is? Some of the readers may not be familiar with your stuff, so just give us the Renegade Strength Coach background. Jason Ferruggia: Sure. I’ve been training people since the early 90’s. In 1994 I opened up Renegade Gym in New Jersey with the money I had saved up. I was actually still going to school at the time as well. Since then I have… continue reading.

5 Ways to be a Bigger, Better Athlete

It’s almost impossible to imagine it today, but there was a time, many years ago, when athletes avoided strength training like the plague for fear that it would make them slow and “muscle bound.” Fortunately we have long since discovered that that was a myth and nowadays just about every athlete on the planet, from tennis players and golfers to football players and wrestlers, participates in some type of strength training program. This is frequently talked about by the announcers and highlighted in pregame videos. How the sporting world has changed over the years… Strength training making… continue reading.

How to Stay Hydrated

Question: What is the best way to stay hydrated during training camp and two-a-days? Is there a certain hydration “procedure” during hot weather workouts, which may or may not be limited to a certain form of drink mix.. ( ie, fruit, vitamin supplements, change of food intake, etc.. ) Despite the best efforts of football staffs, we seem to hear of disasters in this area every year……I want to just try and give my son every advantage that I can… Answer: The best thing I’ve found, that I I’ve used with great success over the… continue reading.

Rosemary Marinated Salmon

By Dave Ruel of AnabolicCooking.com Makes 4 Servings Ingredients * – 1 Tbs. lemon juice * – 1/2 tsp. rosemary, crumbled, or 2 tsp. fresh, chopped * – 1 Tbs. plus 1 tsp. olive oil * – 4 six ounce salmon steaks Directions * 1. Combine all ingredients, except salmon, and pepper to taste in a bowl. * 2. Pour mix into the bottom of a small baking dish. * 3. Add salmon steaks and turn to coat. * 4. Marinate 15 minutes. * 5. Wrap… continue reading.

Transformations, PR’s and 12 Bananas!

The Men’s Fitness video crew stopped by Renegade Gym on Saturday to shoot some footage of Sean Hyson’s amazing transformation and his attempt at a new PR in the squat. Sean is the fitness editor at Men’s Fitness magazine and has been taking the train out from New York City to train at Renegade Gym on the weekends for over a year now. On top of that we also had a visit from one of my favorite guys in the entire fitness industry, none other than the owner of Monkey Bar Gym, Jon Hinds. For those that don’t know, Jon… continue reading.

Muscle Building Smoothie Recipes

Aside from the constant barrage of date requests I get from a fully intoxicated Britney Spears (that chick won’t take no for answer), one of the most frequent emails that’s been coming my way lately is a request for muscle building smoothie recipes. So today I’m going to show you how to make a few of my favorite drinks. The ones that don’t kill brain cells, that is. First things first- like mom always said… “Turn down that goddamn music!” “I found another condom wrapper and empty six pack under your bed!” “You history teacher called and… continue reading.

Fat Loss for Weaklings

Let’s say you’re training someone who’s fat and weak but their goal is to get lean. They aren’t obese but they have 25-35 pounds to lose. Pretty much like every average American. Since fat loss is the goal you might be inclined to put them on a typical “fat loss workout.” This means that they would do a total body, circuit style workout, alternating upper, lower and full body exercises with moderately high reps (8-20) and minimal rest periods (0-60). Sounds like a decent plan. Except for the fact that they are too weak to get anything out of it. continue reading.

5 Big Reasons Why Everyone Should Train Like Athletes

Guys, I’ve been saying it for years- you gotta train old school and you gotta train like an athlete, no matter what your goal.  Someone who wholeheartedly agrees with me is my buddy and professional strongman competitor Elliot Hulse, who is also  the co-creator of the Lean Hybrid Muscle System (which is on sale for 50% off until tomorrow, by the way). Check out this killer post by Elliot below… If you’re like me, you probably want nothing more than to feel like a ’super-stud’ every time you take your shirt off in public. You want to have… continue reading.

3 Keys to Losing Fat & Maintaining Muscle at the Same Time

Guest Post by Brad Pilon There are three main keys to losing fat and gaining muscle. If you’re missing any of these you will most likely fail in your attempts to build a lean muscular body. So what are they? 1) Eat Less Calories than you burn off 2) Resistance Training 3) Eating enough protein to maintain muscle mass That’s as short and sweet as I can put it. Any diet can work as long as it gets you to eat less calories than you burn off. The key is to find a diet that suits your personality and… continue reading.

UFC Fighter Mac Danzig’s Vegan Diet

By Mac Danzig Although there are other people at the controls, manning and updating my websites, I do read all of the mail, and the questions I get asked most often (hundreds upon hundreds of times now) are about my diet. All of the emails and letters are so hard to keep up with, so I finally sat down and decided to write a comprehensive look at my diet. I’m writing this on the fly, so even though it’s long, I will most certainly leave some important things out.. ‘Sorry’ about that in advance. This is not… continue reading.

20 Holiday Gifts That Don’t Suck

Jungle Gym XT– There are countless exercises that can be done on the Jungle Gym XT; many more effective than using a machine or even free weights, such as pushups, flys, dips, assisted handstand pushups, leg curls, hip thrusts, ab fall outs and many more.  At Renegade Training Center we use big, basic barbell lifts as our main maximal strength exercises and then supplement with bodyweight, kettlebell, dumbell and strongman type lifts for accessory work. The Jungle Gym XT gets used at every workout, without fail. It’s also great to travel with because it’s small and light and… continue reading.

How to Run Faster and Jump Higher

Here’s an interview I did with my buddy Craig Ballantyne  that many of you may have missed the first time around: CB: What do athletes need to work on most? JF: Most athletes are too weak. I don’t care what sport they play or at what level they are playing at, most athletes, in general, need to get stronger. I think that if most athletes just focused on properly getting stronger, they would improve their performance and be a lot better off. I am not downplaying the importance of running mechanics, flexibility, agility, change of direction… continue reading.

Paleo Recipes: Broccoli & Pine Nut Soup

Broccoli and Pine-Nut Soup FromPaleo Cookbooks Ingredients 1 onion, diced 1tbs oil 3 cups broccoli 3 cups chicken or vegetable stock ¼ cup pine-nuts Instructions Fry onion in a large pan with oil on medium heat until slightly browned. Add broccoli and stock and simmer for 10-15minutes or until broccoli has softened. Cool slightly. Place in a food processor or use an electric blender to form a smooth texture. Heat to serve. For over 300 more awesome paleo recipes check… continue reading.

The Death of Intervals

Today I have a guest post from my friends Mike Roussell and Alwyn Cosgrove who just launched Warp Speed Fat Loss 2.0. Mike: Thanks for taking the time to do this interview. First so we all have some perspective, how long have you been a trainer? Alwyn Cosgrove: I started training people in 1989. Actually 1987 if you count teaching martial arts classes. In 1995 (after college) I went full time. Since day one I’ve been very particular about what I do. I track and tweak everything. When we opened Results Fitness in 2000, we really started to… continue reading.