Are You Finally Ready to Become THE MAN You’re Meant to Be?
For Busy Men Looking for a Proven System to Build a Powerful Body, Unbeatable Mind, & Unbreakable
You’re looking to take your fitness, mindset, and life to the next level.
To break the chains of your self doubt and become THE MAN you know you’re capable of becoming.
But the problem is that you’re unsure about exactly what to do and how to do it.
How do you build the habits and apply the strategies necessary to achieve all your goals?
How do you overcome your limiting beliefs that are holding you back in every realm of your life?
And how do you do it quickly?
Because you can’t afford to keep wasting years trying to figure things out the hard way.
You need you need a systematic roadmap to follow, and accountability to keep you on the straight path to greatness.
And a proven system that will finally help you get there FAST.
The 3 Secrets that Separate Ultra Successful
Men from the Mediocre Masses
The most successful, fulfilled, happiest men I know have three things in common.
They have a strategically designed mental and physical fitness routine that they follow religiously on a daily basis.
They have a mentor because they know that having outside eyes and someone to light the path is essential for achieving all your goals.
They are part of a like minded tribe of brothers that help push them out of their comfort zones and keep them accountable.
This gives them the confidence and clarity they need to get exactly where they want to be.
Imagine How Much Different Your Life
Could be Just 12 Months from Now
Imagine you had the strong, lean, athletic physique of an NFL wide receiver or UFC middleweight fighter.
How would that affect your self image?
Imagine you had the confidence and charisma to command respect and own every room you entered. Imagine people hanging on your every word.
How much faster could you build amazing relationships and grow your bank account?
Imagine being a high status, confident leader that everyone admires and aspires to be.
How much better and less stress and anxiety ridden would your life be?
What is The Renegade Brotherhood?
This is an exclusive mentorship program for men who want to live life at a level few men will ever reach.
You’ll get the coaching, tools, plans, resources, and accountability you need to unleash your strongest self.
You’ll transform your mindset, your self confidence and your body.
Your Coach: The OG Renegade, Jay Ferruggia

I’m Jay Ferruggia, the OG of the fitness industry. Coach to NFL, MLB, WWE athletes, entertainers, CEO’s, and hundreds of men worldwide.
I’m an advisor to LiveStrong, Schwarzenegger, and Men’s Fitness.
You may have read my monthly “Hardgainer” column in Men’s Fitness or seen me featured in any number of magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health, Details, or Maximum Fitness.
Or maybe you’ve heard me on radio stations such as CBS and ESPN or even seen me on TV stations like ABC and Fox.
In the mid 90’s I was the one who originated most of the trends that are popular today from box style gyms to group training to unconventional equipment.
I built one of the most successful private gyms in the country.
Then I built up the most successful blog and online coaching program in the entire industry.
Since then I’ve helped many others build 6 and 7 figure businesses like mine.
So I know a thing or two about what it takes.
How Years of Struggling Led me to Develop a
Fail Proof Roadmap to Success
Growing up, I was the weakest, scrawniest kid around, and building muscle was impossible for me.
Because of this I had zero self confidence and was painfully shy and introverted.
Over the course of my life, I’ve been physically and mentally weak, skinny, fat, sad, depressed, insecure, socially awkward, crippled with anxiety and indecision, struggled with addiction, and have gone broke on more than one occasion.
You know those 6 and 7 figure businesses I mentioned having above?
I burnt them to the ground and went broke not once but twice.
That was because of my self limiting beliefs and total lack of essential success habits.
But through a lot of hard work, by hiring coaches, reading 300+ books and attending countless events I was able to turn it all around.
I rebuilt the biz and took it to a higher level than ever before.
I got in the best shape of my life and walk around with visible abs at 45 years old.

I developed the confidence, charisma and skills to speak on stages world wide.
And now I routinely get hired as a consultant by illustrious organizations such as the Los Angeles Dodgers.

I finally overcame my crippling social anxiety and have been able to develop incredible relationships with amazing people.
I now have the kind of social life I could only once dream of.

And now I’m able to live life on my terms, doing what I want, making the money I want, and going where I want when I want.

I want to help you do all the same things.
What You’ll Get Out of This Exclusive Program
You’ll build your body with a simple, but brutally effective workout and nutrition planned designed by one of the worlds leading experts.
My clients get amazing results like:
- Losing an average of 17 pounds of fat.
- Gaining an average of 11 pounds of muscle.
- Ridding their bodies of nagging aches and pains, and bulletproofing themselves against injury.
- Boosting their endurance and energy levels so that they can dominate every aspect of their lives.
You’ll build your self confidence and mental toughness with powerful daily rituals and habits.
You’ll be armed with tools to help you increase your impact and income.
You’ll be part of a tribe of brothers who will become some of your biggest supporters and closest friends.
You’ll attend epic meet ups in great places like Santa Monica, Austin, Seattle, Vegas and Miami.
During those weekends you’ll grow, develop lifelong bonds, and have a hell of a good time.

Who This Program Is NOT For
Those with shiny object syndrome who just bounce from one thing to the next and can’t see anything through to completion.
Those looking for a quick fix, or an easy 60-90 day program.
Those not willing to get down and dirty and do the hard work required for a massive transformation.
Those with a victim mentality and an endless array of excuses.
Those who are not coachable and ready to do exactly what needs to be done.
Those who are easily offended, sensitive or faint of heart.
I’m not here to waste your time, coddle you and feed you bullshit that strokes your ego.
I’m here to ensure that you get the absolute BEST out of yourself and that you build the body, mind and life you deserve.
Here’s What You Can Expect From Us
Powerful, unconventional, outside the box physical and mental transformation strategies.
You’ll discover your passion and purpose.
You’ll finally figure out what’s holding you back (it’s not what you think) and how to break through every barrier in your way.
Al this will help you perform at an All Star level in the weightroom, the boardroom, and the bedroom.
Listen to What Some of Our Members Have to Say
Chris Lopez
Coach, Business Owner
Costa Rica
Christian Bylsma
Fitness Professional
Perth, Australia
Justin Hancock
Boulder, Colorado
Chris Yozwiak
Allentown, Pennsylvania
“Hiring Jay changed my life. He helped me get focused, be myself, and follow my true passions.
I now live the life I was destined to live and have increased my income by more than $500k per year. I love my life more than I could ever imagine. And I owe it to Jays mentorship program.
Thanks Jay. I love you brotha.”
Francisco Lara
Fitness Professional, Menlo Park, CA
“In my first year with Renegade, I launched my own business, reached new physical fitness goals, and met some life long friends in the process. Since then I’ve become more connected, less stressed and light-years more productive.”
Andrew Vaught
Owner, Stay Roasted Coffee
Daniel McCaffrey
Lisburn, North Ireland
Mike Peshler
Northbridge, Massachusetts
Francisco Lara
Lisburn, North Ireland
Brian Pannuzzo
Cresskill, New Jersey
Chris Bartl
Goleta, California
Kenneth Camacho
Covina, California
Dennis Heenan
Portland, Oregon
John Madonia
Wyckoff, New Jersey
“Jay completely changed the way I look at life. As I have evolved on a personal level, it is not just a coincidence my business has thrived and more importantly my relationships are infinitely better than they were just a few years ago. I could go on and on about the benefits of a group like this but it is hard to describe what it is like to be a part of like-minded individuals all holding each other accountable unless you actually experience it. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for what Jay has done for me.”
Scott Volquartsen
Owner, Volquartsen Firearms

“Jay is a fun, genuine and inspiring individual. Being around him, you quickly realise that he lives to improve himself and others. His insight into fitness, building relationships and personal development are second to none.
As part of Jay’s group, we spent several weekends together. These were undoubtedly some of my greatest life experiences. I made some exceptional friends and got to be around many other people that inspire you to better yourself. Communicating regularly with Jay and the other members is a priceless resource. It provides a steady-flow of stimulation, inspiration and accountability. Jay is a tremendous mentor and creates a close bond within his group. If you want to experience amazing personal growth, I highly recommend this.”
Josh McManus
Fitness Professional & Firefighter, Perth, Australia
“Prior to working with Jay, I was an introverted, fearful, and unconfident man. After working with Jay everything is different. My income raised above 100k+ for the first time in my life. I married my dream girl and am truly grateful.
Jay has this keen ability to know exactly what is holding you back, what your obstacles are, and what you need to do to break through them. Jay will support you in becoming the man you were created to be. But, I can attest, it won’t be easy. He won’t bullshit you. You will be challenged to get out of your comfort zone. You will get to face your fears. Your innermost self will be revealed.
Jay will help you find the true Vision for your life. But ONLY if you are willing to do whatever it takes to make that Vision a reality. I urge you to sign up for coaching with Jay today!”
Andrew Gerbers
Indianapolis, IN
“I was searching for direction in my life. I lacked confidence in my abilities and was buried in student loans. The first day of our meet up was one of the greatest phenomenon’s I’ve ever witnessed. By noon we all had laughed, cried, and shared personal stories that we had never told anyone else before. Within mere hours, I had a new support group who felt like lifelong friends.
The results of Jay’s coaching have been incredible. Today, I am more successful and am happier than I ever could have dreamt of. On top of that, I have more confidence now than ever before. The lessons that he will teach you can be applied across all aspects of your life. Thanks for everything, Jay.”
Tim Stewart
Indianapolis, Indiana

Rob English
Kyle Matthews
Brian Urbonas
Dr. Drew Jamieson
Cornell Hunt
Are You Finally Ready to Rise Up and Become
The Man You’re Meant To Be?
Most guys reading this page already know they need to make a change.
They’ll read every word here, watch every video, nod their head in agreement, and feel the urge to do something about it.
And then they’ll back off, talk themselves out of it, and do NOTHING.
Guys, that’s not the way change happens. That’s not the way to move forward in your life. That’s not the way to be the man.
That said, I’ll be the first to say that The Renegade Brotherhood isn’t for everyone.
If you read this page and can’t relate to anything I said, then no hard feelings, but The Renegade Brotherhood is probably NOT a good fit for you.
If you read this entire page, connected with the stories, and even for a second had a thought like…
“I need something like this.”
“I want to work with Jay.”
“I want to see what this is all about.”
“I need some help.”
…then I encourage you to take the next step and fill out the application
Maybe you need help getting in the best shape of your life.
Maybe you’re in a tough position like I was back in the day, and you don’t know how to get out.
Maybe your business is successful but the rest of your life is in shambles.
Maybe you’re spending more time alone, becoming more closed-off, and are scared of putting yourself out there.
Maybe you need some more positive guys in your life—a tribe—who you can connect with on a deep level.
If that’s the case, The Renegade Brotherhood is for you.
But right now, it’s time to decide.
Are you gonna keep doing the same old shit? Or are you going to join me and take control of your life?
I’m ready to help. I have a spot with your name on it.
But the next step is up to you.