World Renowned Fitness Coach to Pro Athletes, Entertainers and Elite CEO's Will Get You Ripped in 90 Days. Guaranteed.

Stop Settling For Mediocrity. Start Getting Shredded.

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I’m Revealing The Exact No-BS System That Gets Elite Businessmen Six-Pack Shredded in Just 3-4 Hours Per Week… Without Slashing Carbs or Giving Up Their Social Life

From: the Desk of Jay Ferruggia
Elite Transformation Specialist
Trusted Advisor to: MLB, NFL, WWE, Fortune 500’s, LiveStrong, Men’s Health, Schwarzenegger, Men’s Fitness, Onnit

Are you sick and tired of being soft?

Are you successful in business but average when it comes to your fitness?

Are you frustrated by your lack of progress, despite the work you put in?

How much longer can you live in a body that screams mediocrity and lack of discipline?

Do you want to be average or savage? Bitch or beast?

How long can you procrastinate and make excuses? 

Are you finally ready to build the lean, muscular body you want?

And the unbreakable self discipline and unbeatable mind that comes with it? 

Ready to take your confidence to the next level so that you can dominate everything you do?

You’ve tried the hard way, doing it on you own.

Wasting time and money on gimmicks, fad diets, and bogus supplements.

And it isn’t working.

It never does.

Life-Changing Transformation Doesn’t Happen in Isolation

To build the body you want…

To break free from your bad habits and vices…

To conquer your inner bitch…

You need world class coaching. 

You need a customized daily blueprint.

You need all the guesswork removed.

You need someone to help you avoid ALL the mistakes the most people make.

You need support and accountability. 

Without those things you’ll always fail. 

That’s why I created this ELITE coaching program for driven men like you who are truly ready to transform!

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A Lean, Muscular Body is The Ultimate Status Symbol

Deep down we all know that NO MAN should ever be fat, weak and out of shape. 

It makes you a liability instead of a leader. 

It impacts how you view yourself and how the world views you. 

People assume physically soft = mentally and emotionally soft. 

That’s not what you want. 

With a well built physique as your first impression people instantly know…

You’re focused. You’re disciplined. You’re hard working. You’re successful. You’re a leader.

You’re an inspiration to others. 

You can delay gratification.

You can keep the promises you make to yourself.

You have patience, grit, resilience and can do the hard things when counted on.

It becomes your reputation. Your legacy. 

Sure, it's nice to take five star vacations, own a fancy car, big house and expensive watch…

But none of those things compare to having a ripped physique. 

That is the ultimate status symbol. 

No Rolls or Rolex can compare.

Who Am I, And Why Should You Listen to Me?

I’m Jay Ferruggia, The Transformation King. Since 1994 I’ve helped thousands of men get in the best shape of their lives.

I’ve been a coach and trusted advisor to NFL, MLB, WWE athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 companies, CEO’s, and elite businessmen worldwide.

I’m an advisor to LiveStrong, Schwarzenegger, Men’s Health, Onnit and Men’s Fitness. I’ve been featured on/in ESPN, CBS, Fox, Details, GQ, Entrepreneur, and every fitness magazine on the planet. 

I published my first book with Penguin Publishing in 2007.

And I wrote The Hardgainer column for ten years in Men’s Fitness magazine.

Here is me speaking to the Los Angeles Dodgers at spring training.

What you might not know is…

I Let Myself Go and it Caused Me Tons of Pain and Embarrassment

Not too long ago, I was incredibly busy and my career was taking off to levels I’d never imagined. 

So somehow, in my mind I was able to justify…

Eating too much crap. Drinking too often. Staying up late. Making excuses. Taking the easy way. All the things that go into becoming soft.

Then I woke up one day and hated what I saw in the mirror. So I decided to make some massive changes. 

What it did for my confidence, my business and my life is immeasurable.

I’m 50 years old, and look and feel better than ever. You can do the exact same. I guarantee it. 

Just like these guys did:

Don't Take it From Me. Take it From Them:

Ken Gallaghan
“I Lost 25lbs Effortlessly.”

John Custer
“Lost 43lbs, My Wife is More Attracted to Me, & My Kids Are Prouder of Me.”

Leonard Francis
“The Best Decision I Made in My Adult Life.”

Jacob Lawson
“I’m Down 45lbs & in Complete Control of My Mental Game.”

Dave Collins
“I’ve Accomplished More in 90 Days Than the Previous 20 Years.”

Rafael Felix
"I Lost 40lbs, I Increased My Salary by 60%. I’m a Different Person."

Tadhg O’Crowley
“I’ve Lost 45lbs, My Bloodwork is Great and I’m Making More Money.”

Mike Alapatt
“I Have More Confidence, I’m in Better Shape… the Change is Dramatic.”

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Imagine Your New Life…
Just 90 Days From Now

Your body is ripped and powerful.
You've got unbreakable discipline.
Your mind is focused and razor sharp
You command attention wherever you go.
You look and feel like you're 10 years younger.
Your woman can't keep her eyes or hands off you.
You finally LOVE the reflection you see in the mirror.
You've got an undeniable presence and own every room.
You've become magnetic and people can't keep their eyes off you.
You wake up every day feeling invigorated, with an unrivaled zest for life.
Whether you’re in the weight room… the board room…or the bedroom… you’re performing at the highest level.

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Scott Volquartsen
“Improved my Confidence, Lost 37lbs and Got in The Best Shape Of My Life.”

Mike Kandell
“Lost 34lbs and I Feel Great Both Physically and Mentally”

Dan Williams
“I Got In The Best Shape Of My Life. I’m Happier, and More Confident.”

Ben Harding
“I Recommend it To Anyone Who Is Fed Up With Mediocrity & Wants To Strive for Excellence.”

Steve Berman
“Lost 34lbs and I Feel Great Both Physically and Mentally”

Paul Martino



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Don’t Wait. We Can Only Take on a Limited Number of Clients Per Month.

We devote a lot of time to working with each client at a high level and ensuring their success. 

Therefore we have to limit how many men we have in the program at any one time. 

Most guys reading this page already know they need to make a change.

They’ll read every word here, watch every video, nod their head in agreement, and feel the urge to do something about it.

And then they’ll back off, talk themselves out of it, and do NOTHING.

That’s not the way change happens. That’s not the way to move forward in your life.

That said, I’ll be the first to say that this program isn’t for everyone.

You need to be ready to commit and go all in. 

If you read this entire page, connected with the stories, and even for a second had a thought like…

“I need something like this.”

“I want to work with Jay.”

“I need some help.”

…then I encourage you to take the next step and fill out the application.

Warren Buffet said…

The ULTIMATE INVESTMENT is the investment in yourself. 

That will always have a far greater ROI than any stock or real estate property ever could.

If you’re ready… Let's get work.

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