Compound Exercises

The No BS Truth About Body Transformation

Summer is coming. There’s no time to waste doing stuff that doesn’t work. The # 1 proven, time-tested way to make structural changes in your body is to place mechanical tension on the muscles with heavy strength training. This is true whether you’re male or female, old or young. It’s not cardio, not hour long mobility flows, not burpees, not juggling weights, not battling ropes, not light complexes, not “functional training” where you stand one one leg on balance boards and bosu balls, not Pilates, not yoga, not getting drenched in sweat or breathing like a locomotive during some type… continue reading.

How to Build Muscle Olympic Style: Part 2

In part one of this series we discussed how to build muscle like the always-jacked-big-biceps-and-triceps sporting male gymnasts. In part two we are going to address the other most muscular athletes at the summer Olympics, the sprinters. If you took a survey of most average guys I am willing to bet that 99.9% of them would choose to look like an Olympic sprinter over just about any other physique option you gave them. Lean muscular and athletic looking; what could be better than that? I would even go so far as to argue that guys like Maurice… continue reading.

How to Build a Barn Door Sized Back

If you want to build a thick, muscular back there are three exercises that you need to become very familiar with. Those exercise are chin ups, rows and lastly but most importantly; deadlifts. If you did nothing but those three exercises faithfully you would end up with a muscular and impressive looking back. The back muscles make up a huge portion of your total musculature and developing them will add pounds of mass to your frame. So how do we go about developing all of the muscles of the back? Firstly we have to address the traps which start at… continue reading.