Featured Member – Vasiliy Trubitsyn

Posted by Jason Ferruggia

turbic-252x300Hailing all of the way from the USSR, Vasiliy Trubitsyn, known inside the forum as “Turbic”, is consistently a great competitor in weekly competitions and record board submissions. To join Vasiliy and hundreds of others, click HERE now.

Give us a little background on your training history, what brought you to the RSC in the first place, and how you’ve changed since you joined.

I began to train from my childhood. Started with gymnastics and acrobatics, I moved to the power lifting gym, after the only acrobatics school in my city was closed. I was training in different gyms for about 6 years without any serious guidance. I’ve made some progress during this time, as I already had some basic knowledge from gymnastics, but I earned lots of overused injures as well!
I’ve get acquainted with Jay’s philosophy after I read his article about cardio on the Schwarzenegger.com. I loved his approach and philosophy, so I decided to join the RSC! This community helped me so much in my training. Besides making me stronger, leaner and healthier, it helped me to build my own home gym, and be absolutely dedicated to weight lifting, even when I’m at home with my wife and two little kids! And this means so much to me!

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