45 Quick Lessons From My 45 Years Alive

Posted by Jason Ferruggia

Last week I celebrated my 45th birthday in Kauai.

As a gift to you here are 45 lessons/tips I’ve learned during those years:

Lift, carry & drag heavy things.

Sprint, jump, & throw.

Less is more.

Spend more time outside.


Prioritize sleep.


Eat real food.

Unplug more.

Smile more.

Compliment more.

Hug more.

Laugh more.

Take more risks.

Give more credit.

Learn to write and speak effectively.

Learn how to sell.

Simplify, always.

Make faster decisions.

Act like a leader.

Learn to tell better stories.

Have a mission.

Adopt a dog.

Make a difference.

Always follow up.

Very few things are worth arguing about.

It’s never as bad as you anticipate.

Listen to great music daily.

Don’t gossip.

Don’t complain.

Don’t waste time.

Don’t give away your power.

Experiences over possessions.

People over profits.

Learn proper etiquette.

Have more self awareness.

Watch and study stand up comedy.

Study body language.

Develop a messianic purpose.

It’s your fault and your responsibility.

Change the false narrative in your head.

Always work on your people skills.

Tell people you love them as often as possible.

Do the right thing.

Believe in your f*cking self.

Hope you find some value in that.

When you’re ready…
